The South Indian beauty, who made her debut in Hindi films with the blockbuster Ghajini, claims she's enjoying every minute of working with co-stars Salman and Ajay Devgan in Vipul Shah's London Dreams.
According to her: Salman is my entertainment channel on the sets of London Dreams. Both he and Ajay leave no stone unturned to make me laugh. It's really great working with both of them. It's fun being part of the whole project. I am glad I got the opportunity to work with a director like Vipul Shah.
The actress insists she's not having an affair with Salman, as recent reports in the media seem to suggest. We are just friends who know each other professionally. We have shared great moments on the sets while working for London Dreams. Not only is Salman a very talented actor, he's also a very nice human being.
According to her: Salman is my entertainment channel on the sets of London Dreams. Both he and Ajay leave no stone unturned to make me laugh. It's really great working with both of them. It's fun being part of the whole project. I am glad I got the opportunity to work with a director like Vipul Shah.
The actress insists she's not having an affair with Salman, as recent reports in the media seem to suggest. We are just friends who know each other professionally. We have shared great moments on the sets while working for London Dreams. Not only is Salman a very talented actor, he's also a very nice human being.